Please send us your McCulloh family news!!!
(Births, Deaths, Weddings, Graduations, Achievements, etc.)
July 12, 2008 - Annual McCulloh Reunion Held at Roof Park
On July 12, 2008 the descendents of William Edger McCulloh gathered at Roof Park for the annual reunion. It was a warm sunny day and 60+ people attended. Ezra McCulloh and Cora Keefer were the featured families. (6 Pages of Photos)
June 22, 2008 - Nicole C. McCulloh and Samuel B. Wilson Wed
On Sunday June 22, 2008, Nicole Cherie McCulloh, daughter of Elisha and Rodney McCulloh was joined in holy matrimony to Samuel Benjamin Wilson, son of Tina and Mike Wilson. The wedding was held at St. George's Orthodox Church in Indianapolis, Indiana at 4:30 in the afternoon. A reception was held immediately after the service in the fellowship hall. The couple honeymooned in Gatlinburg Tennessee for five days before returning to Jamestown, Indiana where they will reside. Nicole will continue with her employment at the Kelly School of Business in Indianapolis as a faculty assistant. Sam is enrolled as a freshman at IUPUI in Indianapolis. (Photos)
May 31, 2008 - Rev. Charles W. McCulloh, Jr. Passed Away At His Home
Rev. Charles 'Pastor Chuck' W. McCulloh, Jr., 70, entered God's Eternal Kingdom Saturday, May 31, 2008, at 1:18 a.m. at his residence, while his family sang, 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'. Pastor Chuck's Memorial Celebration Service was held 11 a.m. Wednesday at Trinity United Methodist Church, York, Pennsylvania. A viewing was held prior to the service from 8 to 11 a.m. at the church. Burial followed  the service in Prospect Hill Cemetery in York. (memorial pages)
July 10, 2008 - Luke Elliott Yoder Born

Luke Elliott Yoder was born to Jeanine (Janzen) and Gregory Yoder on July 10, 2008 in Fresno, CA. Gregory is the son of Lawrence and Shirlee Yoder and the grandson of Leroy and Vida (McCulloh) Yoder.

(2009 News)

July 7, 2008 - RTM Consultants, Inc. Marks 15-year Anniversary
On July 7, 2008, RTM Consultants, Inc. marked it's 15th year in business. RTM was formed in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1993 by Rodney McCulloh and two long time friends and fellow employees. The original three partners and a secretary (Elisha McCulloh) launched this fire protection and building code consulting business in the living and dining rooms of half of the McCulloh's converted double house. The business quickly grew and has relocated several times; leasing it's current 7,000 sq. ft office in 2005. RTM has grown to 13 employees and serves clients throughout the United States.
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